Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Minnesota game coverage from the Michigan Daily

Finally some coverage of Michigan's lacrosse program in its student paper, the Michigan Daily! In the article, "Men's lacrosse bury gophers in scoring explosion", the author seems to divulge a good knowledge of lacrosse and the riding game (something that is rare amongst school newspaper writers). I hope that Jake continues to produce articles that enlighten readers of the intricacies of lacrosse!

What the author didn't note, however, was the halftime speech given by one of the Minnesota coaches. Roaming outside, my roommate noticed that their team was huddled in the cold (apparently trying to make the Gophers feel comfortable again --the weather was in the mid-30's). Noticeably distressed, the coach blew his lid. He was heard to have said, "Hey, these guys don't sh*t gold!".

1 comment:

  1. Is this a joke? I play for Minnesota lacrosse. It was in the mid-50's outside and utterly gorgeous. It's actually a shame that Michigan didn't host the game under the sun...tough to combat a 10-man ride when your stuck inside with low ceilings.

    And the entirety of the halftime discussion was about keeping our cool and staying loose. "Blew his lid"...that's laughable.

    Truth is, Michigan has a great lacrosse program; you shouldn't need to validate your supremacy by making things up about your opponents.

    -Mike Storts, Captain, Minnesota Men's Lax
